Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Chayai Sarah Parsha link

Here's the link for this week's Parsha - Chayai Sarah.

If you're interested, there was actually an earlier version which I felt was a little bit too scary - the apocalyptic version. It's 1:30 minutes longer, and isn't for the faint of heart. I decided I didn't want to scare people off, so only listen to that version if you can handle some scary thoughts.

The scary part (if you choose to listen) was inspired by today's political and spiritual situation, which is deeply troubling. I have heard from a number of sources that we are standing at the threshold of the Messiah, and there are some scary repercussions to that fact. I also have recently been reading the website of Daniel, an autistic child, who communicates through Facilitated Communication (which some people claim is bogus, but I have seen personally). Sobering thoughts to see there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was really amazing!! Thanks for the inspiration and sharing your Torah with us. It was a pleasure to sit here (all us of roommates) and learn together. Tizku L'Mitzvos and may you have the zechus to always share Torah and inspire Klal Yisrael